Pyro Talk

About Us

This website was created by me as a result of my creating one of the most popular fireworks video channels on youtube. My youtube channel name is displayfireworks1. I continue to post fireworks related videos on youtube and also have them categorized here on my web site for you to enjoy. Some of my fireworks videos can only be viewed from the pyrotalk web site so please check back often for updates. My fireworks videos have captured a unique perspective on fireworks from a pyrotechnicians point of view.

Over the years I have worked as a pyrotechnician and continue to be involved in various pyrotechnic clubs and organizations. I developed a DVD package that is designed to help anyone in the United States to obtain a BATF license and to purchase 1.3 professional fireworks.

Because of my fireworks youtube videos I now have friends from all over the world that enjoy fireworks. As part of the web site you will notice a discussion forum that includes countries from all over the world. No matter what country you are from and no matter what your level of pyrotechnic experience you have please enjoy my web site. When you purchase fireworks, please consider the sponsors of my web site.



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