View Full Version : Fireworks stuff found at the asassination attempt

09-24-2024, 10:06 AM
So the FBI released pictures of the improvised device found in the suspect's car. I'm pretty sure the firing system is a 1-channel Bilusocn. Does anyone know what the white wire igniters are? They look like MJGs, but maybe not? See bekow,


09-24-2024, 11:42 AM
Do you have a link to where you found this image?

09-24-2024, 12:06 PM
never mind I see what you did here. I found the middle image online.

09-24-2024, 12:13 PM
never mind I see what you did here. I found the middle image online.

It was assembled by an EOD guy from several pictures that were released.

09-26-2024, 09:32 AM
It's not Bilusocn and not MJG, but that single channel system is readily available on e-bay. White wire e-match is more common in Europe and probably comes from a European manufacturer rather than China. A little unusual but it is out there and probably another e-bay find.

09-27-2024, 04:24 AM
It's awful, it forces us to double down on self-governance. It's so easy for us to be dragged into the public discourse when specialized tools, resources, and disposables from our industry are used in such grotesque and barbaric ways. Our vigilance cannot stop with inventory alone, but also with the tools and supplies that support our specialized needs. We all know that actions by irresponsible bastards like these end up boomerangs on us. We either pay now with greater effort or we pay later with more restrictive regulation. Heartbreaking, where we've devolved in some segments of society. We live in what is arguably the greatest time for human kind to be alive, yet those with barbaric intent are never far it seems. Over the years I've come to rival Fort Knox with security matters, adding more each year, trying to prevent the preventable Granted, some of these things can be purchased by seemingly innocent people, but every inch of vigilance helps. Measure twice, sort of thing.

09-27-2024, 08:06 AM
Perhaps Arclight can give us an opinion on this.
From what I am reading it sounds like Ammonium Nitrate in prill form and Nitromethane . Not sure if that what go off with an electric match. There was also mention of a gray powder. Possible salute booster? Would a traditional salute (gray powder) act as a booster to get this going?
On a side note , if that electric match is from a European country it will feed the conspiracy theory that someone from those countries sent it to him.
I am also reading the receiver when found was in the off position.

09-27-2024, 01:20 PM
I got word , its best to leave discussion of how this works off of the forums. Although I would like to put some of that Nitromethane in my lawn mower to see if I can cut grass faster. LOL

09-27-2024, 02:54 PM
I'd be happy to talk privately about this if Dave or someone else wants to work it. The short answer is that very few commercial and mining products can go high-order with just a spark or match.

09-27-2024, 08:42 PM
We can talk generically about it without instructed someone how to make it and source it.
. From the looks of that setup. It is primitive and amateurish. I thought that a simple electric match would not set any of this type of stuff off. Thanks for confirming. Curious if he had the remote on him when he was on the roof? From the looks at the background of the picture it looks like the roof.
If I remember correctly Nitromethane was also used in combination on the Oklahoma City Federal Bombing. During that event they purchased Nitromethane under the guise of motorcycle racing. Can anyone purchase Nitromethane? I always thought it was a restricted product?
What I find unusual is that firing system remote. Combine that remote with that single shot cue EM B01, I do not see that combo for sale anywhere in United States. Same as the white wire electric match. The remote and the match are not common. I can’t find that white wire e-match anywhere

09-27-2024, 09:59 PM
An acquaintance who’s spent some time in Europe tells me that all white e-match is most likely manufactured by Heron fireworks out of Germany. They have a website and it does look like a similar box. I wonder if anyone in the U.S. imports it? Sounds like high quality e-match used by a lot of European display companies so maybe not a cheap “e-bay” type item after all. Hate to fan any conspiracy theories, but you do have to wonder if someone overseas supplied the kid.