View Full Version : 1st Place Spirit of 76 Fireworks Contest

08-15-2024, 12:27 PM
Have no words but shocked.



08-15-2024, 02:03 PM
Just goes to show you can learn a lot on this forum.

If it wasn’t for my team I could never pull off a great show like this myself.

Next year show already in the works

08-15-2024, 02:18 PM
lol.... that is awesome. I got 2nd again! Well done.

08-15-2024, 02:46 PM
lol.... that is awesome. I got 2nd again! Well done.

Honestly Ed this 1st is shared with you too with all the Fantastic inspiration and shows you’ve done.

Without you giving me Quite a few pointers over the years and taking the time to explain them in a more technical aspects that I was looking for, this really help my show grow and me as a pyro.

It Finally clicked last year thanks to your and Tampa Rick help.

And for that I say thank you to the both of you and we share this together.

08-16-2024, 09:01 AM
Congratulations! That is impressive. Learning the technical aspects of pyro is one thing, but having the talent and vision to pull something like that off is a whole other level.

08-16-2024, 10:56 AM
Awesome! Congrats to you and your team.

08-16-2024, 04:19 PM
Congrats, what a sense of accomplishment you and your teams must feel! I love that you're already at the drawing board for 2025. I actually began drafting one particular show for 2026 already, theres no such thing as too early! Either that or my OCD is far worse than I thought. Regardless, congratulations to all the winners!

08-18-2024, 06:22 AM
Congrata to you and the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-23-2024, 09:47 PM
I agree, congratulations to everyone that participated. I am always a little rooting for the State of Texas because of the initial resistance of the ATF in that state in granting ATF Fireworks license back then . Surprisingly Texas did not have many ATF fireworks license years back. I always remember that one Texas ATF Inspector on the phone trying to stop this privately held ATF license telling me, I'm not talking to you" and he hung up, So I sent him a text, can't hang up on a text. Then he told the applicant to withdraw the application etc. I am curious how all of this in Texas has changed over the years.

08-23-2024, 11:44 PM
Great Show. A little competition always brings out the best.

08-25-2024, 10:55 AM
Congratulations! That is impressive. Learning the technical aspects of pyro is one thing, but having the talent and vision to pull something like that off is a whole other level.

Thank you, I believe you’re correct.

Also helps having great mentors and peers to look over your script to give you pointers.

Being obsessed as my wife would says, helps too.

08-25-2024, 11:09 AM
Awesome! Congrats to you and your team.

Thank you

I couldn’t do it without out our amazing crew!

08-25-2024, 11:33 AM
Congrats, what a sense of accomplishment you and your teams must feel! I love that you're already at the drawing board for 2025. I actually began drafting one particular show for 2026 already, theres no such thing as too early! Either that or my OCD is far worse than I thought. Regardless, congratulations to all the winners!

It’s 100% your OCD am guilt of it too!

I have the next 3 years of music edit and ready to go.

2025, scripting I have a good idea what I would like to do but haven’t started. I will start with all my DMX first as next year will be very heavy DMX and I have a lot of special things planned for next year
2026, am half done
2027, I have the show designed in my head and it will be like nothing I’ve done before. Even my wife is excited about it but hates it will be a few years

08-25-2024, 11:36 AM
Congrata to you and the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Sir!

Was nice to team up with someone this year with both of us being rookies with F3D. It was great that we both could text each other when stuck on a few things and we could help each other.

F3D is a beast of a program to learn

08-25-2024, 11:39 AM
Thanks Dave!

08-25-2024, 11:49 AM
Great Show. A little competition always brings out the best.

Thank you for the kind words.

I thought it would be fun to enter and if we got runner up with being one of the 7 winners in 3rd was my only hope.

Never, ever thought 1st or even 2nd place as you have top pyros like Ed and Ken (ignite) that do top notch shows.

First time entering and our peers thought we deserved 1st place, jokingly I’ve told the crew that means we can now retire.

First rookie year and placed 1st, get out when you’re on top … LOL