View Full Version : Texas Pyrotechnic Operator license

07-22-2024, 06:56 AM
Good day.
I am in the process of trying to obtain my Texas Pyrotechnic Operator license; however, this seems virtually impossible as I need to assist in 5 shows. In my area, there are only a few shows a year. Are there any Texans who can help and let me assist virtually to get these requirements under my belt? I really only want this for personal use in the country and want to see how well I like doing these larger displays. I might find myself getting the itch to do these for other companies, but my immediate goal is just for a hobby.

List five permitted or licensed public displays using Fireworks 1.3G that you assisted in conducting in the State of Texas under the direct supervision of a pyrotechnic operator licensed in Texas. • Verification from the pyrotechnic operator is required as evidence by their signature below or some other form of written confirmation. Show #1 City Date Permit number Operator’s name Signature License number

1. Pass the Fireworks Pyrotechnic Operator test.
2. Have a fingerprint background check done if you don’t have one on file with SFMO.
3. Submit a Pyrotechnic, Special Effects, and Flame Effects Operator’s License Application (PDF). (Requires proof of five documented displays)

List five permitted or licensed public displays using Fireworks 1.3G that you assisted in conducting in the State of Texas under the direct supervision of a pyrotechnic operator licensed in Texas.• Verification from the pyrotechnic operator is required as evidence by their signature below or some other form of written confirmation.
• Show #1
• City
• Date
• Permit number
• Operator’s name
• Signature
• License number

4. Submit the applications, forms, and fees at the same time.
5. Certification for the igniter system I will be using.

07-22-2024, 08:54 AM
This looks like a double post. I responded to the second post but didn't get your response. After I read it again , why even get the Texas Operator license if all you want to do is shoot fireworks in the country for your own personal use. Consider , display companies are not in the business of training hobbyist . They are training potential employees that are going to work for them on displays throughout the year.

07-22-2024, 02:31 PM
I don't see the double post. There are numerous avenues through which individuals can find inspiration to elevate their pursuits. Many begin at foundational levels only to discover a profound passion and satisfaction not just in their own engagement but also in the joy it brings to others. Regarding training, as mentioned earlier, fireworks displays are primarily restricted to two occasions: the 4th of July and New Year's. Even then, these displays are typically limited to venues such as SeaWorld, Six Flags, and major city events. They aren't events that happen frequently throughout the year. So at this rate, it would take 2 1/2 years just to get in the required five displays, and that's if I am able/selected to participate every event.

07-22-2024, 07:15 PM
Texas has a pyro club, Pyrotechics Artists of Texas (PAT) https://fireants.org/
There are typically 2 shoots a year. Caddo Mills is one of the normal locations.
They offer sign-offs for those that help setup.

There is also a Texas fireworks festival https://www.lonestarfireworksfestival.com/
They are usually looking for help.

Working with a display company is always an option as well. As long as you are up front about it, they may be good training if they get help on a couple shows. There are several companies in Texas. You didn't mention where you are. Texas is huge.

Even with your Texas FPO (operator license), that's just one piece of the puzzle. You have storage, possible transportation issues, permitting and insurance (which is the killer).

You might consider the 1.4 pro line training first if you haven't already. It gets you access to a lot of good product without a lot of the other obstacles. PAT also has group buys with Spirit of 76 and others.


07-22-2024, 09:13 PM
Thank you cduesman for your outstanding post, it provided a lot of valuable information. I wasn't aware of the 1.4 Proline Training. I will look into that. If you have a link or two on hand that would be helpful. Thank you again
By the way, I am located in San Antonio

07-23-2024, 08:38 AM
1.4 Pro Line is the same as Articles of Pyrotechnics. Dave offers an AP Certificate Program and there is a link on this website that some vendors will accept. These are basically professional display products but fall into the 1.4 category instead of 1.3. The purchasing requirements will vary from vendor to vendor, but they will want to see proof that you have some sort of training and possibly a firing system to show you are more advanced than a typical consumer.

It's always best to max out what you can do with 1.4 and 1.3 pro first before making the leap to regulated explosives. With the 1.4 pro cakes out there right now you'd be surprised what you can do. In fact a lot of cakes that were 1.3 a few years ago are now coming in at the 1.4 designation. I'd also suggest that you go ahead and join a club or find a display company to do a few shoots with. There is absolutely no substitute for working side by side with experienced professionals. That way, if and when you are ready for 1.3 you'll have some experience and mentoring and probably a clearer picture of the best path forward.

07-23-2024, 10:14 PM
Thank you cduesman for your outstanding post, it provided a lot of valuable information. I wasn't aware of the 1.4 Proline Training. I will look into that. If you have a link or two on hand that would be helpful. Thank you again
By the way, I am located in San Antonio

BMoore good info.

Im in TX and shoot all 1.4 and 1.4 AP. I have a 54 and that is also accepted by all the companies I deal with as certification. You can put on a very good show without 1.3. The new 1.4 AP is insanely good.

07-23-2024, 11:10 PM
BMoore good info.

Im in TX and shoot all 1.4 and 1.4 AP. I have a 54 and that is also accepted by all the companies I deal with as certification. You can put on a very good show without 1.3. The new 1.4 AP is insanely good.

When you say you have a 54, are you referring to the ATF Form 5400.13/5400.16 Revised October 2023? So, is this $100 explosive permit more widely accepted than the certification on this site?

07-24-2024, 09:28 AM
When you say you have a 54, are you referring to the ATF Form 5400.13/5400.16 Revised October 2023? So, is this $100 explosive permit more widely accepted than the certification on this site?

Yes, it will be accepted, but is overkill and carries a lot of responsibility if you are just going to be using 1.4 and 1.4 pro product.

What you are referring to is just the application form, but yes what I have is a Federal Explosives License with the subcategory type 54-User of explosives and allows me to purchase and own 1.3 display fireworks. Notice I just said purchase and own. It doesn't necessarily give me the right to shoot anything as that is handled at the state and local level. It's not as simple as just paying a $100 fee. You must undergo a federal background check, the ATF will come to your house to interview you and you must keep careful records. Every 3 years you must renew and undergo an in-person renewal interview where they will also inspect your records. You must also have access to either an ATF approved explosives magazine or have access to contingency storage within a reasonable distance. You are also subject to interview or in-person inspection at any time and if there are any 1.3 fireworks or explosives incidents in your area being investigated, the feds have your number on speed dial. I don't say any of that to discourage you, it's just something that comes with a lot to think about. That's why I always suggest maximizing what you can do with 1.4 first and obtain in person training and mentoring before making that leap. Dave's DVD packages also do a good job of explaining the licensing process.

07-24-2024, 06:52 PM
Well Mr. BMoore, it sounds like its the 1.4 Proline cert from Dave :) Thank you for clarifying. Well see if I can upgrade down the road. In the meantime, I will definitely look into getting some volunteer work to those events. They are a little far, but will be a good road trip