View Full Version : Mystery tube

07-08-2024, 03:41 PM
Looking for a little help. So Sunday we are cleaning up our shoot site, and we keep finding these plastic tubes all over the place. Anyone know what firework they may have come from? My best friend who owns the property we shoot at really didn't like all the plastic. He doesn't care about the paper; we pick up the big stuff, he mows the smaller stuff and nature does the rest. Unless this is from a really awesome cake we can't live without, he would rather not use them again. I have never seen these before, so i'm going through the list to segregate what was new this year. 700070017002

07-08-2024, 03:52 PM
Winda wrath of medusa has those in it, I would think any cake with the same effect probably uses them.

07-08-2024, 03:56 PM
I just watched your video at the one minute mark those whistling comets were probably those plastic tubes.

07-08-2024, 05:23 PM
I just watched your video at the one minute mark those whistling comets were probably those plastic tubes.

That would be " Howling wolf" by Raccoon. Thank you for the help. I may go buy one cake and dissect one tube. I knew someone here would have an idea.

07-08-2024, 08:11 PM
Plastic tubes are almost always used in whistling cakes. I wish they could find an alternative.

07-08-2024, 10:37 PM
Plastic tubes are almost always used in whistling cakes. I wish they could find an alternative.

Well I used 2 different whistling cakes this year. Ill have to pick up a couple and dissect. Ill post some pictures when I do.

07-08-2024, 11:00 PM
One of my "snake" cakes this year I could hear them rattling in the cake. I knew right then. Not sure why I couldn't hear them in the other two (different types) I used. I also had a lot of round plastic pieces that looked similar to the top of a spice "shaker" (many small holes). Still not sure where those came from but assume the other "whistling" cakes. Fortunately and also unfortunately most of the cleanup was done for me by the time I got back to the shoot sight the next day. Nice I didn't have much cleanup to do but I also didn't have the chance to do some of the "forensics" I wanted to do....like try and determine what happened with the comet that took out my module. Still not sure if it just wasn't secured properly or if it was some sort of misfire.

07-09-2024, 11:26 AM
I found some of those feathery things on the ground at one of my shows and thought the same thing... "What did these come out of??? ;)

Engineer Cat
07-14-2024, 12:32 AM
Love the effects, hate the shrapnel left from these types of cakes. There were probably light weight concrete plugs littered all over the site too.

If you look closer at this picture, the racetrack is littered with them. These are 1.3 but still leave the same type of shrapnel. 7018

07-14-2024, 10:36 AM
Love the effects, hate the shrapnel left from these types of cakes. There were probably light weight concrete plugs littered all over the site too.

If you look closer at this picture, the racetrack is littered with them. These are 1.3 but still leave the same type of shrapnel. 7018

Well that looks like fun to clean up. My friend was over last night complaining because he filled up another 5 gallon bucket of those plastic tubes.