View Full Version : My 2024 Show

07-07-2024, 06:54 PM
Our annual fireworks show shot with a mix of 1.4 and 1.4pro. Also there was quite a bit of dmx. This year my daughter scripted 2 songs with very little assistance from me. We have always worked on fireworks together and it was super special to share the reins on this one. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as we did.


07-07-2024, 09:31 PM
Great show! What was firing at about the 14:07 mark?.....so simple but so fitting. Reminded me of a "Rick" show....that's a compliment! Thanks for sharing.

07-07-2024, 10:20 PM
Thanks. I think you are talking about Sky Comet by Pyro Planet. I love quiet fireworks.

07-07-2024, 11:39 PM
Ah....I know that one and looked to fit it in my show almost every year, but it always made the cutting room floor for one reason or another. Thanks! It may just make it into a future show now.