View Full Version : My 4th show 2024

07-05-2024, 03:53 PM
Show went mostly great. I had a comet take out my slice module, so 2 slices didn't fire but it's not really noticeable. The only other issue was at the end there is about 30 seconds of dark sky because a NOAB didn't fire all of it's shells. Other than that I was very pleased and so was the audience.


YouTube let me upload it even with music copyrights but you have to watch it on YouTube.

07-05-2024, 04:07 PM
Nice show. Camera was kinda shaky. Was some one holding it, or was it on a tripod?

07-05-2024, 04:13 PM
Holding it while in a paddle boat while getting eaten alive by mosquitos.

07-05-2024, 04:28 PM
Well that would explain that! In that case, job well done!

07-06-2024, 12:56 AM
Bad to the bone brother!

Loved the squalling rockets to bangs. Were those ghost and goblins cakes?

Also the brocade horsetails synched up with several bars in the 2nd song..don’t know if it was intentional or not, but was really cool.

The big blast of mortars at the very end were a nice touch!

Great show!

Engineer Cat
07-06-2024, 02:04 AM
Great job Kev. Loved the reggae. You don't expect reggae to go with fireworks but you did a great job putting the two together.

07-06-2024, 08:34 PM
Bad to the bone brother!

Loved the squalling rockets to bangs. Were those ghost and goblins cakes?

Also the brocade horsetails synched up with several bars in the 2nd song..don’t know if it was intentional or not, but was really cool.

The big blast of mortars at the very end were a nice touch!

Great show!
The "squalling rockets to bangs" used were:

They were mixed with M-25 Airburst cakes - Tannerite 1.4 Pro

The only shells used in the whole show were 6 Nishiki blast shells at the end of the first song. Everything else was cakes, either 1.4 pro or 1.4 consumer.

When I have time I'm going to put subtitles in the raw video with what is firing and other notes. The music gets drowned out at parts in the raw video but you can really hear the breaks much better. Some of the 1.4 pro breaks hit hard. I wanted to get away from using MCR's, and canister shells in general, because I just don't think they're safe to use in my particular situation.

The horse tails near the end is also a 1.4 pro cake. Of course it was chosen to fit the music but getting any cake, even a pro one, to match the music perfectly is somewhat a matter of luck.

Not sure what happened but I made a lst day edit to the script so the M-25's would fire later because I was concerned about relying on a single NOAB. THe M-25's should have been firing during that dark sky moment at the end but I think I may have loaded the original script again into my remote rather then the update script.

The reason the NOAB didn't fire is because it was sitting for two days in a "soggy" spot in the lawn for a full day and the particle board base soaked water up just under one tube. The tube was not wet but it must have been wet enough on the inside to keep the fuse from passing to the next tube in the series. I was going to pull it from the show but, as happened, I thought the most likely issue would be it wouldn't fire after that tube. Hence the change I thought I made to the script at the last minute.

07-06-2024, 08:42 PM
Great job Kev. Loved the reggae. You don't expect reggae to go with fireworks but you did a great job putting the two together.

I owe a lot to finding the right song. Light it up as been in my back pocket but I haven't been able to get the product I wanted until this year. Shame, two slices (those purple crossettes you might remember I had in my inventory), didn't fire. But I did get lucky and the consumer stuff fired not as expected (no surprise) but it was a "happy accident". But such is a lot of things with when using consumer cakes. I have to go back really analyze the video but it seems most of the consumer cakes fired longer then expected. They were much closer to the manufacture videos then the other videos I watched.

07-07-2024, 12:19 PM
Here's the raw video with subtitles detailing the product firing and other notes. It's much more "pyro forward" then the first video where I overplayed the soundtrack. I actually like thkis one better. Usually the music doesn't come out as clear on the raw video.


Big Worm
07-12-2024, 10:18 AM
Great show! I can't believe how slow the criss cross cakes fired. I always seem to get quick ones. Props to the video person!

07-13-2024, 11:02 AM
Enjoyed watching the show and I liked the pace you kept with ups and down.

Was your son able to make it home?

07-13-2024, 11:40 AM
Great show! I can't believe how slow the criss cross cakes fired. I always seem to get quick ones. Props to the video person!

I love those cakes, if you can't tell by how much I use them. Timing can vary but I've been lucky with getting ones that fire closer to the manufactures video. As I stated before, a lot of my consumer cakes this year fired slower than I typically anticipate. In my experience consumer cakes almost always fire faster then expected....Glad you liked the show.

Enjoyed watching the show and I liked the pace you kept with ups and down.

Was your son able to make it home?

He was not there in person but was able to face time my sister on her phone so he could watch it live. I look forward to having back to lend a hand with setup again. I figure after a stint in the military I can trust him to do a lot more. Glad you enjoyed the show. I really wish the two slices and that last NOAB fired.

07-13-2024, 11:51 AM
That sucks when that happens.

I had a module get soaked from the rain storm right before the show and it shorted out. Only 9 items hooked up but 18 cues were showing all green. We had some other issues with humidity, it was so bad we had drones dropping out the sky.

Sadly no Nukes this year but we did have fun the next evening blowing them off after the module dried.