View Full Version : How do you ematch barrage candles

06-05-2024, 04:07 PM
I have 196s candles and I want to e fire them but the fuse is small diameter. Will this work or is there a better way?

06-05-2024, 05:23 PM
I’ve tried the way you’re doing it and haven’t had the best of luck.

I use quick fuse taped to the candle fuse, then MJG to the quick fuse.

06-06-2024, 08:33 AM
You need more flame for the best results. For roman candle barrages I've used sticky match or a dusting of black powder for the best results. As PyroFL stated, some gray quick fuse would also help things along.

06-06-2024, 08:47 AM
You need more flame for the best results. For roman candle barrages I've used sticky match or a dusting of black powder for the best results. As PyroFL stated, some gray quick fuse would also help things along.

I think this is a better idea!

Thankfully I haven’t started on ours yet and have 2 rolls of match still in stock and it would seem easier then the way I’ve been doing it.

Thanks BMoore

06-07-2024, 11:06 PM
I only have access to consumer supplies. I test fired 2 using the white quick fuse and they both worked.

06-26-2024, 09:05 AM
When I had to do this I used 2 MJG's wired in parallel to the same cue just to be sure. I used quick fuse for both. Taping the quick fuse to the visco also helps strengthen the visco fuse since these tend to be very flimsy on these products. The first time I didn't use quick fuse the weight of the connector and wire tore the visco on one of the candles to point it didn't burn completely to ignite the candles. Because of this I also recommend doing this on shoot day after the candles are secured at the shoot site. You don't want to be moving these around once they're wired. I use a backup fuse/MJG whenever I can't poke or use an e-port because these connectors can be unreliable when just connected to a single visco fuse. It's just a matter of taping 2 small pieces of quick fuse to the main visco fuse, one a little longer then the other. Then attach a MJG connector to both quick fuses. Again, wire both MJGs to the same cue. One last thing, these visco connectors can blow off or or blow the visco out when they fire without lighting the fuse. I like to ensure both the fuse and the connector are secured well with tape to prevent this. Ever since I've started doing these things I've had a 100% success rate when using visco connectors.

06-27-2024, 07:48 AM
At Xtrememachines : In your one picture that brown thread reinforced fuse. That looks like timed fuse and it fits inside the MJG tube Initiators. I don't believe I ever saw that type of fuse in small diameter.

06-28-2024, 09:03 PM
The first picture I used consumer white quick fuse to link the mgj to the candle fuse because as you can see in the second picture the candle fuze is to thin to fit in the mjg.