View Full Version : Old Firecrackers

05-24-2024, 09:04 PM
These firecrackers were given to me from a gathering of fireworks collector at the Badaboom recent demo. A collector from Ohio gave me some of his "Loose Collection". Look for more when from him when I release my Badaboom demo video.

05-24-2024, 09:06 PM

05-24-2024, 09:11 PM

05-24-2024, 09:15 PM

A couple of these pictured are from the older Mexican market. He told me those "Throw Down" ones probably are. Most interesting are the ones with the string attached

05-26-2024, 10:09 AM
Adding more pictures

05-26-2024, 10:11 AM

05-26-2024, 03:15 PM
Aren't those Silver Salutes & M-80's, Cherry Bombs illegal to possess? How can they be sold?

05-26-2024, 07:04 PM
Aren't those Silver Salutes & M-80's, Cherry Bombs illegal to possess? How can they be sold?

This makes the second time I was at one of these vintage fireworks events and one of the sellers was tossed out for trying to sell some shall we say, not so vintage stuff and he got tossed out. I think it’s the same dude tossed twice, at two different locations. Whoever runs these vintage events keeps it clean. You rarely see vintage M-80’s and Cherry Bombs at these vintage events. The real desirable items are the old Chinese stuff.
I’m sure the ATF is well aware these vintage fireworks events occurring. They are smart enough not to be so petty and bust that very small segment of collectors. Plus they police themselves. If you try to come to a vintage event and set up a table selling recently made stuff, you are getting tossed.
Like I tell people, the Feds don’t waste they time on bullshit. They are not bringing a case to court of someone selling an M-80 made before 1966. Plus those M-80‘s were $900.00 a box and not $2.00 each and He got more in the truck if you want more. LOL
If you ever attend one of these events, the only questions you should be asking is: How much is this?

05-27-2024, 05:34 PM
I think this is similar to people who collect old medicine bottles. You can't get away with selling full bottles of narcotics, but the DEA isn't actively looking to arrest someone with a museum display of old medical stuff.

05-28-2024, 12:01 PM
Nice Haul! I got a pack of WOODPECKERS for my collection also

05-29-2024, 11:41 AM
Those cherry bombs were manufactured by New Jersey Fireworks Mfg. Co., Inc., of Elkton MD and Vineland NJ. I have two of those boxes, when purchased in 1966 at South of the Border in Dillon SC off of I-95, they were 3.95 a half gross. They were unique in that they were not round, but defined by the cup set. The process, as told to me, started with filling the cups with formula F, sometimes adding a small round star, then tumbled with the coating mixture. They were then dyed in the mixer, dried, and get this, drilled with brass drill bits in a compound drill press, a hundred at a time. The fuse was inserted by hand after dipping in a silver-colored cement. The ash cans [aka Bull Dogs] from NJ Fireworks had a simple chipboard end plug, sometimes kraft colored, sometimes red, but no silicate. I've never seen a single dud from either of these. And then there's Apollo of The Ozarks, a company that pushed the legal limits on a number of devices, my favorite from them was a class C 'two shot aerial bomb' that was nothing more than a ground salute packing much more than 50 mg. I had a quarter gross of them, every single one detonated heavily on the ground. Note to Dave, if you are going to fire that 4-inch Chinese cracker, likely Tiger Brand, 4 to the pack, please lengthen the fuse, as they go quick and detonate IMO as heavy as an ash can. I cut half of the loop about a half-inch from the fuse entry point, effectively doubling the time. You're going to need it, as I found out the hard way.

06-04-2024, 09:39 PM
Some really nice stuff there. I should of went to the demo.

06-08-2024, 02:21 AM
Nice stuff, Dave! Those full-color logo crackers for the Dutch market are highly sought after by the European pyro collectors, in fact they're pretty much a 'holy grail' variant to many over there. They've been replicated in the German market a few years back, paper fuse and all, but not nearly as loud as they were back in the day

The 4-incher blue wrap with white snowflakes...some had wicked-fast fuses (I think Tiger Brand comes to mind?). For some (including myself), the idea was to pinch off part of the looped fuse near the end of the cracker so you'd at least get double the length and a head start getting away after lighting.

06-09-2024, 12:21 PM
The 4-incher blue wrap with white snowflakes...some had wicked-fast fuses (I think Tiger Brand comes to mind?). For some (including myself), the idea was to pinch off part of the looped fuse near the end of the cracker so you'd at least get double the length and a head start getting away after lighting.[/QUOTE]
Did you get your Tiger 4-inchers shipped UPS from a classified ad in American Fireworks News? I ordered a brick, not knowing if it was legitimate, I wish I had ordered a case. I still have the shipping carton, with a Class C label and counterfeit ATF and New York permit numbers. Those babies are LOUD.

06-09-2024, 04:54 PM
Did you get your Tiger 4-inchers shipped UPS from a classified ad in American Fireworks News? I ordered a brick, not knowing if it was legitimate, I wish I had ordered a case. I still have the shipping carton, with a Class C label and counterfeit ATF and New York permit numbers. Those babies are LOUD.

No, I got them from a friend many moons ago. The others I remember were Horse Brand Thunderbombs and Tiger Head Brand with the forest background. All of them really good but yeah, those Tigers were brutal, lol!

06-17-2024, 01:22 AM
It all has to do with safety, transportation, and storage regulations as they effect commerce. You can make or possess any firework, cartridge, or flammable device you wish as long as you don't offer it for sale to the public. So not to worry if you bought a brick of 2grain firecrackers for the Bicentennial and saw the same brand reduced to 50mg the following year. Note that swap meets and vendors tables at fireworks conventions are not open to the public. Transportation and storage regulations are entirely different for UNO1.4 (formerly Common Class C) and UNO1.3 (formerly Special Class B). So collect all the old ammo and firecrackers you want and enjoy the hobby!