View Full Version : NOPE that's a lie lol

11-27-2023, 11:28 AM
After choosing your remote and firing module configuration, you will want to purchase igniters. COBRA offers both Clip-On Igniters and MJG Initiators, explained below. Both Clip-On Igniters and MJG Initiators are available with and without Quickplugs at the same price. Quantity discounts are also available and are listed on the individual product pages.

The below pricing includes our Black Friday Sale discounts!

Nope they charge an additional $4.40 for quickplugs per box.

01-14-2024, 09:00 AM
not sure if you saw. right around that black friday time they sent out an email saying those prices were all about to change.. and will have a substantial increase.. so i ordered like 2 years worth at the old pricing.. and then a week later they sent another email saying they were able to get the price increases down a little,, LOL... but ya so now they are slightly different prices .. which makes sense to me... to put on a plastic clip with a copper shunt on each one.. cost more to manufacture

01-14-2024, 08:55 PM
That was advertised on their website until Dec 2023 when I called them out on it........

03-24-2024, 01:51 AM
There are still videos on their website that say quickplugs are no extra charge. Is this a “lie?” I would call it more of an oversight. When things change within a company, it’s virtually impossible to scour the entire internet or years worth of videos in order to make sure everything out there is completely accurate. The best thing is always to rely on the most recent information available and contact the company if there are any questions. Accusing them of lying is not the answer, especially when speaking of cobra which has the best customer service reputation I’ve ever seen.

03-31-2024, 12:04 PM
There are still videos on their website that say quickplugs are no extra charge. Is this a “lie?” I would call it more of an oversight. When things change within a company, it’s virtually impossible to scour the entire internet or years worth of videos in order to make sure everything out there is completely accurate. The best thing is always to rely on the most recent information available and contact the company if there are any questions. Accusing them of lying is not the answer, especially when speaking of cobra which has the best customer service reputation I’ve ever seen.

This is kinda old but.....

When you are advertising in writing on YOUR website "no extra charge" in multiple places it's a "lie" or false advertising. Excuses for a giant company to "miss" something on THEIR website that has dedicated people to maintaining THEIR website is a joke.

04-26-2024, 08:17 PM
This is kinda old but.....

When you are advertising in writing on YOUR website "no extra charge" in multiple places it's a "lie" or false advertising. Excuses for a giant company to "miss" something on THEIR website that has dedicated people to maintaining THEIR website is a joke.

Hmm, well I can't presume to speak for Cobra, but I've been in business myself for 40+ years and to accuse a company of "false advertising" is a pretty serious charge.

First of all, Cobra is not a giant company. WalMart is a giant company. General Motors is a giant company. Cobra is a relatively small company. Their whole staff fits into one photo. So their site has a mistake on it. Instead of trying to publicly smear them on this forum, have you written to them directly about it? Who knows if anyone there has noticed this thread? They may not be aware of the mistake and would thank you for letting them know. Or maybe they've put in a website change request but their developer hasn't gotten around to making the update yet. (Many developers service dozens of sites.) You wanna know? Ask them!

I'm not saying it's OK that they have that incorrect information in there, but to call it "false advertising" is ridiculous. False advertising means an intentionally misleading claim, such as "You can also use your Cobra system as a defibrillator." (No, you can't, but that would be kinda cool.) Like I said earlier, this is more of an oversight. People (and companies) are allowed to make mistakes. There is probably something somewhere in their terms-and-conditions that says "prices and specifications are subject to change."

04-26-2024, 10:09 PM
A giant company? I think they have about 10 employees. Definitely not a giant company. I am a little surprised the video is still on the website since I know people have pointed it out to them. I don’t think it rises to the level of false advertising, but I do feel that the lingering reminders of a benefit they couldn’t sustain is a little strange.

04-29-2024, 03:49 PM
Hmm, well I can't presume to speak for Cobra, but I've been in business myself for 40+ years and to accuse a company of "false advertising" is a pretty serious charge.

First of all, Cobra is not a giant company. WalMart is a giant company. General Motors is a giant company. Cobra is a relatively small company. Their whole staff fits into one photo. So their site has a mistake on it. Instead of trying to publicly smear them on this forum, have you written to them directly about it? Who knows if anyone there has noticed this thread? They may not be aware of the mistake and would thank you for letting them know. Or maybe they've put in a website change request but their developer hasn't gotten around to making the update yet. (Many developers service dozens of sites.) You wanna know? Ask them!

I'm not saying it's OK that they have that incorrect information in there, but to call it "false advertising" is ridiculous. False advertising means an intentionally misleading claim, such as "You can also use your Cobra system as a defibrillator." (No, you can't, but that would be kinda cool.) Like I said earlier, this is more of an oversight. People (and companies) are allowed to make mistakes. There is probably something somewhere in their terms-and-conditions that says "prices and specifications are subject to change."

Give me a break. I'm not "smearing" Cobra at all, I am however saying that the continued "advertising" of something that they have not been doing for quite a while is absurd. While I agree maybe the "giant company" was potentially a poor choice of words, they do have over 30 employees and do multiple millions per year in revenue which is plenty to make the effort to remove and fix the references and what accounts to advertising of something they are not doing. Every company has "prices and specifications are subject to change" and other legalese. It's standard practice to put something somewhere to try and remove liability for whatever but that does not give you an excuse to what is basically ignore what has been pointed out to you multiple times.

False advertising is we are going to do this and we do but, oh wait, no we are not now, but we are going to leave marketing up that says we are..........read that again and think about it.

I would not expect Cobra to be reading a thread here, that's not the point. LOL

You have your opinions(like anyone else) and that's perfectly ok

07-16-2024, 08:11 PM
To me a worse problem they have is out-of-date Youtube videos about how the system works, how to sync modules, etc. There's a lot of misinformation out there due to updates and changes in the system. There's really no way to scrub that kind of stuff off the internet, it's going to be there until the creator takes it down. The lesson is, if you look to Youtube for instructional Cobra content, you're probably better off going through links on the Cobra site, rather than just doing Youtube or Google searches.

07-24-2024, 11:26 PM
Hmm, well I can't presume to speak for Cobra, but I've been in business myself for 40+ years and to accuse a company of "false advertising" is a pretty serious charge.

First of all, Cobra is not a giant company. WalMart is a giant company. General Motors is a giant company. Cobra is a relatively small company. Their whole staff fits into one photo. So their site has a mistake on it. Instead of trying to publicly smear them on this forum, have you written to them directly about it? Who knows if anyone there has noticed this thread? They may not be aware of the mistake and would thank you for letting them know. Or maybe they've put in a website change request but their developer hasn't gotten around to making the update yet. (Many developers service dozens of sites.) You wanna know? Ask them!

I'm not saying it's OK that they have that incorrect information in there, but to call it "false advertising" is ridiculous. False advertising means an intentionally misleading claim, such as "You can also use your Cobra system as a defibrillator." (No, you can't, but that would be kinda cool.) Like I said earlier, this is more of an oversight. People (and companies) are allowed to make mistakes. There is probably something somewhere in their terms-and-conditions that says "prices and specifications are subject to change."

I tend to agree with Mountain Mike. In my instance, I've been a long time customer of Cobra, and their attentiveness and shooter-centric approach to customer service is always been beyond impressive. I suspect it begins with their CEO, I've always admired him. I would be absolutely shocked if the inconsistency you discovered was malicious intent. They're just not that kind of people, especially when you consider the meteoric growth and composition of their global customer base. I have no equity relationship with Cobra, I'm just one of a long line of Cobra addicts, and they're great for our industry, as far as I'm concerned. Either that, or I may be Mr. Magoo, too. My wife claims I'm magoo, so who knows?!

07-29-2024, 09:46 PM
To me a worse problem they have is out-of-date Youtube videos about how the system works, how to sync modules, etc. There's a lot of misinformation out there due to updates and changes in the system. There's really no way to scrub that kind of stuff off the internet, it's going to be there until the creator takes it down. The lesson is, if you look to Youtube for instructional Cobra content, you're probably better off going through links on the Cobra site, rather than just doing Youtube or Google searches.

Wow 3 months later LOL

I don't use Cobra so I couldn't care less about Cobra itself other than the company continuing to promote false information directly on their website. Anything I referenced was from Cobras website directly not "youtube or google searches". Maybe after all this time they have gotten rid of some/all of it?! I know I pointed them to several instances they said they would take care of months ago.

The actual lesson here is the if you're going to promote and advertise something then change it, stop advertising it and take down all the references to it ON YOUR OWN WEBSITE.
The only thing i've ever bought from Cobra was initiators and now i'll just go directly to MJG for a lower cost.

07-29-2024, 09:48 PM
This thread started in Nov of 2023 when it was very relevant........this is July of 2024......let it die! LOL