View Full Version : Fireworks show introduction

05-09-2023, 06:54 PM
This has been around for several years but it's worth posting again so newbies can use it. It's an introduction to use for your fireworks show, courtesy of Jeff Collins Voiceovers, one of the forum sponsors. We've used this in our show every year since 2017 or so and will use it again this year.


Once you open it go to the three dots on the right and you can download it.

Maybe Mr. Collins might consider creating a different intro clip? I know I would pay $$ for something different, although I do love the old one too.

05-15-2023, 08:17 AM
Yes, this old one is still sweet.

Please keep us posted if he does create another different intro clip. Thanks!

05-15-2023, 10:27 AM
It is a great resource he supplied us with! I have used it several times, and have used Audacity to "trim" a few things out to fit my application.
If you are not familiar with the intro sound clip, give it a listen!

05-15-2023, 03:42 PM
That is great people are using it. The one time I used at my sportsman club shoot the dam DJ mess it up. I told him to play it as loud as possible. He never figured that part out until about half way into the song, then he turned the volume up. First I said I'll call you on your cell when to start the song then play it loud as possible. Then show time came , he wouldn't answer the phone I had to send someone running down to tell him to start the dam song. He drank too dam much. I said when I call start the song and play it loud as possible. He was what , what?? I probably told him three times before the show what to do and he still messed it up. You can hear my frustration in one of my sportsman club video. LOL

05-17-2023, 12:02 AM
I always make it part of our Audiobox mp3 soundtrack. That way it not only plays automatically but it gives us assurance that the sound system and Audiobox are working correctly before the actual fireworks start.

I did edit it down somewhat for our use. But we use the music section as is.

05-17-2023, 07:48 AM
Speaking of being sure everything is working properly. When you guys are shooting pyo-musicals are any of you using lead in electric match that is not connected to anything but is situated that you can visibly see the match fire prior to the start of the display? For example on some pro shows I worked , there would be a module situated close to the crew with 10 electric match connected to a rail. Without the audience knowing the first say 30 seconds of the roll-in before the music started we could see the match firing near us for visual conformation and assume all the other module were also receiving the signal. We would also set that up maybe twice through the day on a big display. This way you could test the entire show and signal with only firing the roll in match.

06-10-2024, 12:25 AM
Just bumping this back up to the top again in case anyone would like to use it. It really is worth the effort to open your show with it.