View Full Version : 12 cue sequencers used in a finale? Any Experiance?

05-02-2023, 01:24 AM
I have six ignite modules and I recently purchased two 12 cue sequencer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OH7kWXt3Xw) after watching some of the videos about them. Before making that purchase I did some checking on the RhinoFire 12 shot sequencer (https://easypyro.com/rhinofire-firework-sequencer) but the cost put it out of reach.

I'm wondering if anyone here has used the 12 cue sequencers as part of their finale? Looking to see what others experience is with them.

For my finale I have a mix of 62mm pro shells as well as regular 1.4 shells.

The pro shells need to be individually connected and will take up a single cue per mortar since they don't have a fuse and I don't want to poke them. I experimented with making a specific rack to run a fuse on the bottom of the rack and a fuse directly into the pro shells but I don't think that's safe. In my tests I've never had an issue but I'd prefer not to do that. You can see examples of doing this by checking the following video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3v0GfYaDJjw) pretty cool stuff.

I'm thinking of connecting some of the cues on the sequencer to Muuxbrds (https://muuxbrd.com/quicksplit-12p/) which can then be connected to either a single 62mm shell (x12 in theory since the muuxbrd supports that many) AND connect some directly to a RACK which would then be fused to fire the regular 1.4 shells. Anyone have thoughts? I'm looking for positive / negative feedback :-)

05-03-2023, 05:29 AM
I have not done this,, but I know people do ,, maybe some of them will chime in,, but it is pretty simple to do,, and seems like your on the right track,, a few months back I was looking to purchase some of these 12 sequencers,, but could not find them in stock anywhere

05-03-2023, 03:10 PM
What you’re doing will work and I do have quite a few of the same Sequencers.

Extra idea, this would be a Zach question with using Ignite if you can do step firing with that system on the same cue, if so you can add that to one of your cues to your 12+1 sequencer.

This will open a lot more options for you to add to your show.

05-03-2023, 08:42 PM
So I have the ignite system as well and I am using these for my finale. If you're using clip on igniters you can only use 2 igniters at a time but if you're using MJG Initiators then you can use all 5 ports. This isn't a huge fix but it does help. Also the plugs are reusable so you don't have to throw them out like you do the initiators after one use.

Note these breakout boards will only fire at the same time. No timing or step fires but if you're looking to put a bunch of stuff in the sky quick for a cheap price, this is a good fit.

IGNITER BREAKOUT BOARD & QUICKPLUG HARNESS (https://www.ignitefiringsystems.com/igniters)

05-03-2023, 11:26 PM
I used 2 of them in sequence to hold close to what i was wanting and some other cues mixed in at the end of this show they worked out just fine every cue firing 2-4 tubes that i tore out of a cake

05-04-2023, 03:53 AM
I used 2 of them in sequence to hold close to what i was wanting and some other cues mixed in at the end of this show they worked out just fine every cue firing 2-4 tubes that i tore out of a cake

was this show shot with the Ignite system ?

05-05-2023, 08:40 PM
I used cobra for the show

05-11-2023, 11:59 PM
What you’re doing will work and I do have quite a few of the same Sequencers.

Extra idea, this would be a Zach question with using Ignite if you can do step firing with that system on the same cue, if so you can add that to one of your cues to your 12+1 sequencer.

This will open a lot more options for you to add to your show.

I'm using all MJG for the shows. I poke all my cakes but i'm trying to find a better solution for 62mm shots. when designed in Ignite you can't really fire your show and then step. It would be a great feature but i'm not sure it's really needed. I'm hesitant to trust my finale to these sequencers but i'm thinking 12 cues from a sequencer could essentially mean anywhere from 6 - 12 shots per cue if you are using some type of breakout board. the negative is that those shots are all going at the same time. on the other hand if don't ematch the 62mm and create custom matches with fuse going down the base of the rack and fuse shoved up the 62mm in the eport you have some more leeway. I don't want to go that route but I may have to. I've tested both methods and each work but I like the randomness of fusing everything up so there is some delay at the start of the finale before having sky puke.