View Full Version : Update from Dave Displayfireworks1

08-20-2022, 03:03 PM
Update from Dave displayfireworks1. Thank you all for being part of pyrotalk discussion forums. If you were wondering why I have been absent from posting, I had a heart attack the first week of July. I also had open heart surgery. I am 5 weeks post-op and starting to recover. I temporarily shut down the Articles of Pyrotechnic education program. Today I opened it back up. Please do not order the AP program unless you own one of the firing systems listed. I verify all order with Cobra and their database to verify you purchased a system. The Ignite is not part of the AP program. Same with FireTek and Firelinx. All of the Displayfireworks1 products will continue, in addition to my joint venture with Vulcan Fireworks releasing Overclocked in European areas. Thanks for posting on pyrotalk forums and keep things active.

08-20-2022, 04:05 PM
Good to have you back Dave, Glad your surgery went well and your in recovery.

08-20-2022, 07:00 PM
Glad you are doing ok and hope you a full and speedy recovery. The smell of recently lit 500 gram cakes should help your recovery time in my opinion!

Gabe Mort
08-20-2022, 10:12 PM
Wow, Dave we are so happy that you are recovering well and prayers for your continued recovery!! God Bless!!

Engineer Cat
08-21-2022, 12:55 AM
Welcome back Dave. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

08-21-2022, 12:02 PM
Welcome Back Dave Displayfireworks1! Take it easy...

08-21-2022, 12:42 PM
Glad to have you back! Fun fact: A friend of mine had a heart transplant. I invited him out shooting and blasting after he recovered. He actually had to ask his doctor in Nitroglycerin exposure would be a problem. It turns out it's not.

08-21-2022, 02:04 PM
Great read on the history of nitroglycerin and its accidental medical discovery for use as a coronary vaso-dilator. Thanks everyone for your well wishes for recovery. I will slowly drop back into the forums and try to start posting. I have been reading the forums and want to thank everyone for posting and keep the forums active. I see from time to time spammers will post something about medical insurance or whatever it is they are selling. Don't comment , I see it also and will find time to remove them. I continue to recover , just can't lift heavy objects etc. I can walk and make a conscious effort not to just sit and watch TV. I am comfortable driving short distances.
My Sportsman Club fireworks display August 27 will go one without me. My pyro friend Rick will shoot the display for free along with Kellner Fireworks supplying the fireworks and racks. I have some fireworks products saved to help celebrate when my recovery reaches that point. Perhaps October. I ask my doctor when I fully recover am I going back to the man I was working, cutting gas etc. He told me yes.

08-21-2022, 02:14 PM
Good to hear from you and know you're recovery is going well. Look forward to when you're back to full swing!

08-21-2022, 06:03 PM
Good to hear from you Dave! I had a quituple bypass in Nov 2019 - it took me a long to recover - and to be honest - i don't think i actually fully recovered. really knocked the wind out of my sails - but stay as active as you can. If you have a place nearby to do cardiac thereapy - go for it - it was KEY to my process - then COVID hit!

08-23-2022, 10:41 AM
Welcome back Dave, sorry to hear about the heart attack. Glad the surgery went well and that you're back with everyone. Take care of yourself!

08-24-2022, 06:23 AM
Wow,, I have noticed your absence from the forum,, just figured you were really busy,, guess you were busy,, just not how I imagined,,, glad to hear your doing well… good luck to a speedy recovery!!!

08-24-2022, 10:02 AM
Hope you are still well. Good luck.

shake the cove
10-21-2022, 09:20 PM
I too have been absent the web site for sometime but thankfully not due to MI. Glad you made it thru post op and physical therapy. Not sure you will be hand lighting much more sitting with electronic firing is way to go. Just saying. But hey if your MD clears you for activity have at it. Stay safe and now you appreciate life all the more.

10-26-2022, 09:08 AM
Dave, you created a well oiled machine with the Forum and it "held its own" while you were away.
We are all glad to hear that you are well and on the road to recovery. Continued prayers for you as you heal and regain your strength.
Don't push yourself, but follow your doctors guidelines. I'm not saying you are stubborn or anything[ HaHa] but some things can not be rushed. Your "Pyro Family" is rooting for you!

10-26-2022, 01:17 PM
Thanks Joe and everyone that kept the forums active through the July 4th holiday. I'm continuing to recover , in addition to teaching an ATF license Class I managed to help get a backyard display out. Its my first YouTube video in a few months. I received a nice welcome back from my YouTube subscribers. Here is the video Fireworks on the Farm 2022.


Engineer Cat
10-26-2022, 11:52 PM
HAHAH Dave knew that Backyard Battlefield was not going to fire when they bypassed the eport.

07-25-2024, 02:39 AM
Update from Dave displayfireworks1. Thank you all for being part of pyrotalk discussion forums. If you were wondering why I have been absent from posting, I had a heart attack the first week of July. I also had open heart surgery. I am 5 weeks post-op and starting to recover. I temporarily shut down the Articles of Pyrotechnic education program. Today I opened it back up. Please do not order the AP program unless you own one of the firing systems listed. I verify all order with Cobra and their database to verify you purchased a system. The Ignite is not part of the AP program. Same with FireTek and Firelinx. All of the Displayfireworks1 products will continue, in addition to my joint venture with Vulcan Fireworks releasing Overclocked in European areas. Thanks for posting on pyrotalk forums and keep things active.

Good Lord, Dave, I had no idea! I've been away dealing with matters of my own and am only now getting back reengaged. Thank God you're back in action. I'm a member of the infarction club myself, so if you'd ever like to bounce anything off me, meds, rehab, etc., feel free anytime. Heres to many more years of your content, keep up the great work. I know I speak for thousands of people when I say I'm so thankful you came out the other side. Hang in there, my friend. And my sentiment goes to all my other friends & fellow pyros, stay green and safe. When we have our health we truly have everything.

07-25-2024, 11:40 AM
I am fortunate for what I went through and I am still in the pyro game. As I addressed in your PM message , I am no longer a PGI member. I am still a member of the NFA. I am enjoying more of the business end of the industry. Its great. If all goes as planned I will be at the NFA convention in September. Some of the Displayfireworks1 products are scheduled for demo at the NFA. I will also be talking with distributors and retailers about my Articles of Pyrotechnics certificate and sales of the new AP products. I recently returned from Chicago on a private display. I have the video posted . Glad you are doing well and welcome back to the pyrotalk forums