View Full Version : The latest I've heard 1st ear from direct importers

11-16-2021, 12:51 AM
Only 6 to 8 importers within the u.s have been cleared to bring in Aop product. It has to be brought in as 1.3 and then reclassified and relabeled once it's here. after being paid off to the alphabet agency goons what this means to us is more money for the same product, and add relabeling,, inspection payoffs,,and container fees quadrupling .,glad I stocked up over the past few years, seems like a better investment than I tried explaining to my wife at the time. ♥️Luci

11-16-2021, 11:48 AM
I guess the good new is that product is moving now.

11-16-2021, 09:12 PM
Slow butt Shirley

11-16-2021, 09:38 PM
I bet most if not all of the importers will get the variance for AOP from the ATF that have previously dealt with AOP

11-17-2021, 01:44 AM
I bet most if not all of the importers will get the variance for AOP from the ATF that have previously dealt with AOP

Not really true as far as I know, could very well be wrong, often am, but only a handful plus maybe a thumb are allowed to import this product, not classified as such. Until it reaches our coasts.and is reclassified. China will not ship this type of product. As is. Since last year . Aop product, if any , is still sitting in limbo on the water until the payoffs are done , but then again, what do I know? ,♥️Luci

11-17-2021, 07:14 AM
Not really true as far as I know, could very well be wrong, often am, but only a handful plus maybe a thumb are allowed to import this product, not classified as such. Until it reaches our coasts.and is reclassified. China will not ship this type of product. As is. Since last year . Aop product, if any , is still sitting in limbo on the water until the payoffs are done , but then again, what do I know? ,♥️Luci

Sure maybe not every single consumer importer but I bet a majority actually hold a 1.3 importer license. Especially those that have been dealing in AP already.

Time will tell what is actually going to be available again. I'm not scared of breaking down a cake but dam it's hard to find effects you want doing that.

11-17-2021, 09:37 AM
All the price increases due to the spiderwebs of red tape, are the scariest part

11-25-2021, 11:56 AM
Years back they contemplated bring in bulk consumer canister shells and reclassifying them . If this is true with the Article of Pyrotechnics , who is the one making the change in Classification from 1.3 to 1.4 ? Sounds like a Bureau Veritas sort of job.

11-26-2021, 01:08 AM
Years back they actually did bring in shells in bulk, Behai Rambo kids, knock 3 times , ( kno3's, ) , temple of heaven 3202 silver salutes, even 1st generation Jakes mine shells wc critical acclaim and 1st generation xcals labeled as" made in America" were brought in as bulk shells,then assembled as kits here so the kit itself could be labeled as such. Xcals in particular because they needed HDPE tubes to pass inspections for upsidedown Cato's, and China wasn't producing them for mass shipping at the time

Scotty Rockets
11-26-2021, 04:51 AM
It’ll all be fine no need to worry… only problem is the cost and supply of fireworks on all class levels.

Justice Pyro
08-14-2024, 09:29 PM
Behai Rambo kids temple of heaven 3202 silver salutes, and 1st generation xcals labeled as" made in America"
"It has to be brought in as 1.3 and then reclassified and relabeled once it's here"

1. I've heard Zenith made some stuff in the USA. Codyb made a video called do old fireworks still work showing them off. @erichsteinhagen4173 said "Zenith was in Missouri". Do you think Zenith might've bent the truth a bit like xcals?
2. where the temple of heaven salutes class b or (dot?) class c
3. I remember Victory fireworks sold bulk rambo shells but idk if those are the same or watered down. I know there is reddit posts discussing buying them.

And then if you can't answer this because its too on the nose or you just don't knot thats okay but I am wondering if some OLs are brought in as 1.3 and then rewrapped w a 1.4 label just like how they do w the pro stuff except way more illegal. I know the A. B. brand stuff and some of the W.Y/S.Q. stuff says 1.4 pro / AOP. I have also seen some crackers saying fp2 as the product code. I have also seen a video of the factory that makes master shells with the boxes and labels being on in the factory. So is their just multiple ways this stuff gets in?