View Full Version : Fireworks in Slovenia
02-28-2011, 09:23 AM
In Slovenia we have got 3 category of fireworks.
1 category is like sparkles,helicopters,small fontans,not a lot of things and not realy powerfull things but to buy this fireworks you need to be 14+ thats i prety good.
2 category is small cakes, rockets,roman candels,big fontans, meybe firecrackers for gun(i didnt see any firecrackers for lighting) and more things .for this category you need to be 16+.
3 category is bigger cakes,rockets and is prety much it and you need to be 18+.
Our fireworks are good,for price we pay is very good.
The problem is Slovenia is that we cant get shell that great things like fast fuse and normal fuse and thing to buy your own shell. So i almost cant do like nice fireworks show and that is a problem.
That is that what i wanted to tell. lp nik
02-28-2011, 01:51 PM
The problem is Slovenia is that we cant get shell that great things like fast fuse and normal fuse and thing to buy your own shell. So i almost cant do like nice fireworks show and that is a problem.
I fully agree , only this is needed then we have all :):o
copper acetoarsenite
10-03-2012, 02:20 PM
I don't know why so many countries ban shells they act like they are hand grenades...the UK too, I don't see the big deal with shells unless people are eating htem or something..I'm from a bad place with respect to fireworks I know how you feel!..but use what you have to make a good display rockets are justs shells on a
10-03-2012, 04:06 PM
I don't know why so many countries ban shells they act like they are hand grenades...the UK too, I don't see the big deal with shells unless people are eating htem or something..I'm from a bad place with respect to fireworks I know how you feel!..but use what you have to make a good display rockets are justs shells on a
The reason for shells to be banned in most (European) countries is that most people don't know that the long leader fuse is actually quickmatch that burns extremely fast. Another reason is that reloading mortars can also result in severe injury. In both cases because people have hung above the mortar with any part of their body.
Of course, you and I and other enthusiasts know how to handle this stuff, but the general public doesn't or simply ignores safety rules and regulations (e.g. because it's "cool" to light a shell in a street at ground level i.e. without using the tube).
Single shot pre-loaded mortars (upto 2 inch) are allowed in most (European) countries.
copper acetoarsenite
10-03-2012, 10:07 PM
We don't use quick match on 1.4G shells here...same force of explosion as a shell burst. Rockets are another way to send shells in the air...that being said when was 14 years old I used to fire my six inch warimono shells constructed using old Japanese methods,I learned from Dr. Shimizu with hand made traditional time fuse, 'cuz it was all I knew about; sometimes I'd be a bit of a 'thump junkey' and not a big sissy and go right to the paper!...hehehe
Chill dude..aint that serious- you know sheesh! LOL!
copper acetoarsenite
10-05-2012, 05:48 PM
Btw you were dumb enough to actually shoot yourself in the face with a 1.4G shell..if would be like a nasty punch in the face..there it will probably ricochet and explode away from you! may havde some broken facial bones, some burns...but unless you were a small child or a very frail elderly wont die!!!!!!
when I hear of accidental explosions of 1.4G fireworks[not in a 1.4G factory].I usually laugh..when I hear of 1.3G explosions I usually cry!!!
10-06-2012, 07:40 AM
In that case, you wouldn't believe the number of "dumb people" living in The Netherlands. Although 1.4 G aerial shells aren't allowed, still lots of people have the experience of consumer cakes kicking them in the face. It's hard for me too to imagine that a consumer cake will kill you (you'll need to be really unlucky), but still severe burns to the face and loss of eye-sight are things we hear of every year.
Obviously, because they lit a legal(!) product in a wrong way (e.g. wrong fuse, leaned over cake, drunk, etc.). Not to mention cakes tipping over or rockets going into horizontal flight and injuring by-standers. Of course, WE know to take necessary precautions. However, the general public doesn't or ignores these. To them fireworks are a (harmless) toy, whose power is under-estimated.
I don't know about you, but for me every fireworks injury is one too many.
Not even speaking of how every fireworks injury feeds the anti-fireworks lobby.
copper acetoarsenite
10-06-2012, 09:35 PM
from another international pilot sight that I'm on I now lots of people from's a nanny state the people are not taught things are not given fun things ...they have their behinds wiped by nannys all is what you get!...that's socialism for you.
but here's a can not stop explosives!!! we just have to keep psycopaths from getting them!!!...ok?
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