View Full Version : No AP coming out of China currently

10-10-2020, 01:34 PM
I've heard chatter that because of the changes to regulations and enforcement in China that AP was not being shipped out of China. More recently I had noticed that many AP products were increasing becoming out of stock or are not being restocked. While getting started on my order for next year I inquired about the availability of certain products. It was confirmed that No AP is coming out of China currently and that although the NFA & APA are working on trying to resolve the issue(s), there is a possibility product may not ship again until 2022. I decided to place my order while product is still available in fear that AP may be in short supply next year. Hopefully this gets resolved before next season.

10-10-2020, 02:19 PM
To be completely honest... I highly doubt what you are talking about is true. This talk has been going on for a while, until its on paper.. I do not and won't believe it.

Talk is talk.

10-10-2020, 09:42 PM
Which news source are you hearing this from? We all know about the potential tariff issues (Talk) but this is a global industry in play.. I would tend to agree with Crush630 on this one...

10-11-2020, 12:43 AM
I know the china law changes have been discussed on this thread (1.4pro UN0431 reclassification) aparently china is in the process of sorting the fireworks classifications and AP may become 1.3 over there. Iv been trying to find out more but haven't had any luck.

Scotty Rockets
10-11-2020, 09:29 PM
It's absolutely true...

Scotty Rockets
10-11-2020, 09:37 PM
It's absolutely true... This is a China customs decision. New orders at this point would be shipped as 1.3, containers in transport are still 1.4. Talk to your dealers and you will find out what Birdman has reported is true. Also anything 1.4g +2" bore size will need to ship in wire cages, most recently it has been changed from +1.2" to 2" so some positive progress has been made. One big problem specifically with un431 is that it's such a niche product line and no one cares enough. Last year it was the 1.3 6" and above shells, this year China customs are after 1.4. The NFA doesn't care about un431 1.4pro and APA interests lay in the 1.3 display companies and services.

Scotty Rockets
10-11-2020, 09:39 PM
One other bit of information... Not even the manufacturers ie Dominator or the importers are sure what the future holds...

10-12-2020, 01:30 PM
As an importer of the UN0431 1.4 pro what has been stated by Birdman and Scotty Rockets is true. Chinese CIQ will not approve any 1.4 pro (UN0431) to be shipped as 1.4 at the moment that was not made/and certified before August 1st. So anything that would be made now would have to be classified as 1.3. This does not effect 1.4 pro that is in the country now as for changing it to 1.3. Companies are working on ways to continue producing 1.4 pro (UN0431) and ship it to the US as 1.4, but at the moment have not found that way or convinced the chinese government to change their minds on the classification at the moment.

10-12-2020, 03:45 PM
Does this only effect 1.4 pro?

10-12-2020, 04:00 PM
yes that only affects 1.4 pro at the moment not consumer 1.4. Consumer 1.4 now that is a different story with them wanting wire cages around the cases of anything that has a tube bigger then 1.2"

10-12-2020, 05:10 PM
I wonder what the overall % is of 1.4 pro vs 1.4 and 1.3.

Justice Pyro
08-14-2024, 09:15 PM
[QUOTE=Scotty Rockets;69069] lso anything 1.4g +2" bore size will need to ship in wire cages, most recently it has been changed from +1.2" to 2" so some positive progress has been made.

holy shit, this is why Big Boy rockets come in a wire cage!