View Full Version : Larry paid $100 to light these fireworks at the Crackerjacks

10-28-2011, 03:30 PM
In an auction to have the honor to press the buttons on this small fireworks display at the Crackerjacks, Larry donated $100. The donated fireworks are from vendors at the Crackerjacks. I tried to get the list of fireworks and companies that donated these products for this video; however, when I ask for the list the guy said he wanted paid for it. If someone knows the vendors or names of the donated fireworks, please list them.
Currently video is unlisted but viewable here on pyrotalk


Pyro Nation
10-29-2011, 11:16 AM
Pretty nice...... IS it all 1.4?

10-29-2011, 11:42 PM
^^ Thats what I was wondering.

10-30-2011, 06:37 PM
If that is all class c its some great product, very nice breaks in there. It wouldn't surprise me if it was, companies are making some great C product these days and it is only getting better.

10-30-2011, 06:40 PM
really liked the haunted fish section as well

10-30-2011, 07:45 PM
You can almost catch the names of everything from that brief shot of the shoot list at the beginning of the video. Looks like there were four positions, most of which were matching effects (except for a few cues). This doesn't answer the question of who the vendors were, though...

1. Green crossettes
2. Super Stunt/Marble City/Chopper
3. Haunted Fish
4. Sky Blast/Elfin Pleasure
5. Pure Seduction/Pyro Panther
6. Fighting Rooster
7. Fan Shot (comets)
8. 20 Excals (at each position)
9. 20 Excals