View Full Version : e-matching bagged for rain fireworks

06-28-2019, 02:04 PM
The thread on weather has got me thinking about my own rain proofing techniques. I always assume it's going to rain and bag everything. For cakes I electronically fire I'll cut a slit in the bag, insert my e-match and then tape over the hole with a piece of packing tape or duct tape. Seems to work fine but is a potential water entry point should the tape lift off. Are there any better methods?

06-28-2019, 08:49 PM
On rainy type days, we wire our 1.3 cakes with them still in their bags and tie em up like it was a trash bag with the wire sticking out of the top and fold that tied part underneath the cake. No issues ever. Same process if we had a nice day and had to put them in a bag because of incoming rain.

06-30-2019, 06:12 PM
I do it the same way as PyroManiac1981. Keep the open end on the bottom, folded under and taped and you'll be snug as a bug and water tight as a frogs butt.