View Full Version : Wheels.....

Big Rob
08-16-2011, 07:11 PM
I did some setups with wheels, fountains and roman candles on a pair of homemade wooden 'trees' for my 4th setup.


Everything went fine except only three out of the 4 wheels span. I checked the wheels to make sure they were free spinning before hand. They were..... (as well as I could tell)....

I have been told they have to be 8 feet off the ground to work properly. Is this true and if so why?

Any ideas would be appreciated as I really want to extend my fountain shows in future.

Thank you

08-16-2011, 09:27 PM
I never heard of the "8 foot off the ground" rule for sucessful use of wheels. I am curious too. If the other three worked correctly and I am assuming from your post that you didn't have them at least 8 ft off the ground, the first guess is that the 4th wheel was just a "dud" so to speak. Hopefully the more experienced guys will jump in with answers.

08-16-2011, 10:08 PM
I have shot wheels less than 6 feet of the ground and have never heard of the "8 foot Rule". That should have nothing to do with the performance. I agree with fatcat....you probably just had a a "dud". Looking forward to seeing your post of your entire fireworks show.

08-16-2011, 10:16 PM
I have had that problem in the past. The way I corrected it was to not mount the upright pole straight [perpendicular] to the ground but to angle it forward a little. This keeps it from binding up. Also, the hub you use is important-I am using threaded brass tubes made for table lamp repair with flat washers & nuts. Works great.
Also. a shot of silicon spray before the show helps. Here are a couple pics of a small wheel frame with the drivers removed.
As for the height, the higher up it is, the better it looks....lets the sparks fly farther.

08-16-2011, 10:25 PM
Using the small commercial wheels is the same as using a bigger arm with fountain drivers--seems every small wheel I ever got had a rusty nail with it--always used a different nail with a big head & made the hole a little larger--still helps to tip them forward.
Nice setup, by the way!

Big Rob
08-16-2011, 10:40 PM
Thanks for the compliment!!! Also I apologize for getting my initial post wrong (just got in from work excuse.... ) .... 3 out of 4 wheels failed.... Both the Fiery Eye wheels failed (which was disappointing as the youtube vids for that product look great!!).... They come with a plastic 'bearing' (plastic to firework wrap paper over the top of card).... but perhaps the lean forward and bearing lubrication will help so thanks!!!! (and thank you everyone for replying).... I feel some fun experimentation coming on!!!!

Keep the ideas flowing!!!!

Big Rob
08-16-2011, 10:45 PM
Oh no!!! :)

Something is starting to dawn on me. With the Fiery Eye is the wheel supposed to spin on the nail or the plastic?

Big Rob
08-16-2011, 10:51 PM
Duh... The fiery eye plastic bit in the center spins on the nail doesn't it? ..... Suffering from a memory lapse.... and I bet someone else will come along an correct me again!!!!