View Full Version : Any guys here using the cobra slats?

11-12-2016, 11:46 PM
Just wondering if anyone's using them. It seems like a better price alterative to using the modules. From the way it sounds you can run up to 10 slats off of 1 mod. Now I'm wondering if each slat can be fired individually. Also will the remote show continuity with all of the slats. What are the pros/cons vs the mods?

Can I still use the mod as well with the slats? If so you can have 198 different ques off one box for around 900 bucks. Seems pretty good to me

11-14-2016, 12:14 AM
Just watched the video. Unfortunatly it looks like the can't be fired individually. They fire along with the que on the mod. Looks like I'll just order a remote and couple mods on Black Friday