View Full Version : Consumer Pyromuscial Display 2016

07-14-2016, 11:40 PM
Hey everyone, first post for me but I've been ghosting this site for awhile learning techniques from your posts and I thought I finally had a show I was willing to show to everyone. Dave graciously allowed me to post my show this year and I'm excited to both learn from you guys/gals and for me to share my experiences with setting up my show. First off, I'm not a professional, but have been doing shows for my family every year for the past 14 years or so. Getting bigger and better every year, well at least I think so. ;) This year I finally graduated from backyard shows to where a local RV campground allowed me to shoot at their private property. This is a private show with all consumer cakes/shells and I didn't receive or make any money off of it. The show is embedded below if you want to skip to the video but here are a few details first.

Site was across a lake which was about 350 feet from the main audience viewing point.
Restrictions: There was a interstate behind the shooting site and some dry grass next to the farthest shooting position which you can see in the still pictures at the beginning of the show. (The show actually caused a very small grass fire at the end of the show that we promptly put out with our buckets of water, but goes to show why you should always be prepared.)

8 Cobra modules were used
~700 feet of shooting wire
~420 talons were used in the show
~200- 200g cakes
~90- 500g cakes
~230 shells

I had the first module at lake edge with two very close firing positions (~10 feet apart)
Then I had three firing positions for the middle of the show at about 45 feet apart from each other.
For the last part of the show I had 5 firing positions about 50 feet apart from each other. (200 ft between most left and most right positions)

The show was fired in the manual fire mode instead of scripted with the 18R2 from cobra as I like to have more control over my show which comes in handy as you can see with my issues below.

Due to an issue with the talon ignitors my entire first module didn't light at all and I missed the entire first song. (video was edited to cut that part out) I eventually figured out a work around and spent the rest of the show trying to re-time the show based on the missed parts. (I actually got the first module to fire later in the show, so it wasn't a complete loss.) Even though most of the show is on cue there are still some areas I would like to improve on next year.
Due to the same issue above I had about 40 cakes not fire throughout the show. (Which made for a cool after show the next day. ;) But, it's a price of doing a show with non professional ignitors.

I should have spaced the firing positions even more then I did as the breaks bleed over more then I would like during the show. So maybe next year I will go with 70 feet between positions.
Have a better backup plan if a module doesn't fire. I'm sure you have all been there, but there is nothing quite like the feeling when you have black sky during your show. I'm just lucky I was able to figure out the problem and it wasn't in the middle of my show.
Add more comets/mines to the show as they were big hits with the crowd.
Add more shells to the show as the audience always like the bigger breaks they provide.

Parting shots
I can post my cue listings if you guys are interested with fireworks used and further expand on things if you guys want. But I wanted to keep the first post sort of simple. Just send your questions my way and I'll do my best to reply in a timely manner.
Please let me know any constructive feedback you guys/gals have as I would like to continue to improve my show each year. Also I'm looking for any improved methods of timing consumer cakes effectively.



Thanks to everyone who views! Hope you all enjoy and I appreciate your time looking over my post/video.



07-14-2016, 11:52 PM
Haha... constructive feedback..not from me brother. Dave posted this video yesterday and i watched the whole thing start to finish. Amazing my friend. Truly amazing. Love the opening with Guns N Roses;) I seriously thought twice about posting parts of my tiny, single, milk crate rack show after seeing this and kinterke's show. But hey..gotta start somewhere!!

07-15-2016, 06:57 AM
I think your talking about, http://www.pyrotalk.com/bulletin/showthread.php?4978-Cypress-Texas-backyard-fireworks. Which is an excellent show, but I can't take credit for that one. Actually after Dave posted that video it's what got me to reach out to Dave and see if I could post mine as well. And a started out with a milk crate rack show plus some random cakes, we all got to start somewhere like you said. :) I'm always happy to see new shows even if they are small ones.

Northern Sky
07-15-2016, 10:44 AM
If the troubles you experienced were signal related, try raising your modules off the ground on buckets, milk crates or something. Even a foot or two makes a big difference.

I'm not sure what they were but, it looked you had some 76 product on stakes. Comets and mines need a firm base to shoot properly; equal and opposite force thing.

With that said, Pyro Musicals usually have more things, comets and mines, "timed to music". Experiment with with your Cobra firing a few matches together in parallel to create symmetrical fronts. I'd suggest buying some I-Matchs from Cobra because, they have faster timing and more can be fired at the same time with your system.

Especially with "Pyro Musicals", sometimes less is more. You can build anticipation with some black-sky and conduct emotions with varied effects and music. Alternate shooting some things high then low, fast then slow. Some of this can be done by picking different music and edit it down to only one or two minutes per song. Most of what you shot to was pretty much the same beats per minute.

On the bright side, you pulled off quite a show. I'm sure your audience loved it and will grow in size year after year as your skills grow.

Well done.

07-15-2016, 12:41 PM
I think your talking about, http://www.pyrotalk.com/bulletin/showthread.php?4978-Cypress-Texas-backyard-fireworks. Which is an excellent show, but I can't take credit for that one. Actually after Dave posted that video it's what got me to reach out to Dave and see if I could post mine as well. And a started out with a milk crate rack show plus some random cakes, we all got to start somewhere like you said. :) I'm always happy to see new shows even if they are small ones.

My mistake brother..thats what i get for assumimg..lol. Just watched your show as well. Nice work for sure!!!

07-15-2016, 12:55 PM
Very impressive show!! It still amazes me when I watch the setup parts to these shows... I see what looks like random piles of cakes scattered all over a field, and each little pile looks like arbitrary collections of various types and sizes of cakes. I'm thinking to myself... There can't possibly be any rhyme or reason to this collection of cakes or the positioning of these boards!!

Then the show starts and it's like, wow.... So THAT'S what happens when they go up!! COOL!!

It all just highlights how amateur my game still is compared to most of you. That's okay though! Some day people will look at my setup and wonder WTH I was thinking too! lol.

Again... Very impressive show! Thanks for sharing!!

07-15-2016, 01:41 PM
Northern Sky:

I had good signal for all my modules below 60, but I like the idea of elevating them all on something to improve signal.

They were mostly comets from 76 and I guess I just picked up the taping method to sticks from youtube. I'm pretty much just see something or read something and copy what seems to work. You have any recommendations on what to shoot them off of? I didn't want to buy even more mortars to attach them to.

Yeah I need to get more mines for sure next year. I guess I should say my show was mostly timed to music rather then musical as of yet. I'm definitely planning on getting some better ignitors next year as the talons were very unreliable for me this year.

I can see your point on the beats per minute thing. I guess I've always just equated black sky = bad. I'll look into trying to vary the timing in the future.

Thanks for the feedback!


No worries! Glad you enjoyed the show. :)


Yeah, I was in the same place a couple of years ago and I just started experimenting to get better. And as you can see from Northern Sky's comments. I still have some learning to do. :) Glad you liked the show and I look forward to the shows you share one day as well. :)

07-15-2016, 01:50 PM
In my next video, I hope to post soon, I used the Cobra and was impressed again at the distance. I had a module downhill from the remote. I could not visually see the module where I was standing toward the top of the hill area. I had a crew member on standby near the set piece in case it did not work. I was able to fire the module without an issue. I did not elevate the module. Although elevating is a good idea. This is where those plastic 5 gal. buckets come into play.