View Full Version : Hello from Texas - in search of information

07-07-2016, 01:51 AM
Hi everyone,

I ran across this group while searching and searching the interwebs for information. I figured I might as well register and ask the experts.

While I was in college, I would return to Cleveland, OH for the summer after a visit home because it was so much easier to find a job than in my small hometown in Texas. One summer, (I have it narrowed down to 1990-1992, and I'm pretty sure it was 1991) I lived in the Lakewood area. That summer, there was a huge fireworks show/exhibition/competition that happened in Cleveland. All that I know is what I learned from my neighbors as we gathered on the rooftop for about two weeks to watch the shows. They said that it was an international competition staged at Burke Lakefront Airport. I got the impression that it was a travelling competition or maybe a first of it's kind. I never heard anything about it on tv or radio, but I was pretty isolated that summer.

As you can imagine, there is little information on the internet from 1991. I was hoping maybe someone could clue me in with some details.

Thanks bunches!

07-07-2016, 06:52 AM
Wish I could help. But welcome to the forum. Aren't many Texans here, what city are you from?

07-07-2016, 06:54 AM
Welcome to the forum.

07-07-2016, 08:47 AM
Hi everyone,

I ran across this group while searching and searching the interwebs for information. I figured I might as well register and ask the experts.

While I was in college, I would return to Cleveland, OH for the summer after a visit home because it was so much easier to find a job than in my small hometown in Texas. One summer, (I have it narrowed down to 1990-1992, and I'm pretty sure it was 1991) I lived in the Lakewood area. That summer, there was a huge fireworks show/exhibition/competition that happened in Cleveland. All that I know is what I learned from my neighbors as we gathered on the rooftop for about two weeks to watch the shows. They said that it was an international competition staged at Burke Lakefront Airport. I got the impression that it was a travelling competition or maybe a first of it's kind. I never heard anything about it on tv or radio, but I was pretty isolated that summer.

As you can imagine, there is little information on the internet from 1991. I was hoping maybe someone could clue me in with some details.

Thanks bunches!

I grew up in Cleveland and still have family there. To my knowledge there's never been an annual fireworks show at Burke Lakefront Airport, or any international fireworks competition. I know they have airshows at Burke where they will sometimes do WWII reenactments that use pyrotechnics. Could that possibly be what you were watching?

In any event, welcome aboard!