View Full Version : Excalibur 2013-2014 discussion

01-26-2014, 02:09 AM
I noticed when I purchased the world class Excalibur fireworks that the fuse was show all the way to the base of the shell this is in relation to one of the videos I watched recently on the covered or uncovered fuse but I dont know if its a regulation or not but I just wanted to share this information

01-26-2014, 09:49 PM
Can you explain further, or post a picture. Is the fuse visible on the side of the shell as it goes down to the bottom of the shell? Also watch what category you are posting in I moved this thread you originally posted in fireworks manufacturing

01-28-2014, 04:56 PM
When I was looking at the shell I had noticed it was on the outside of the effects paper that was on it and on the previous versions I noticed it was on the inside of the effects paper and I dont have anymore shells with me because I had used them all and I like the new addition to the tubes it makes them real sturdy
But if I can find a picture in my gallery I will post it up